On Monday, December 12th, 2022, the donation was handed over to the association for the promotion of children with cancer (Verein zur Förderung krebskranker Kinder Rostock e.V.) in our company in Warnemünde.
Our trainees organized a raffle for our Christmas party in advance, with the aim of donating the proceeds to the association. A total of € 1,158.70 was raised with the sale of the tickets to the employees. The donation amount was rounded up by our management. Our trainees were proud to hand over the donation totaling € 1,500 to Silke Strümper (social worker) and Joachim Bonin (board member). This donation will be used for the construction of a water playground on the company's own premises, so that the children have a chance to cool down in summer in a playful way.
If you want to know more about the association: www.kinderkrebshilfe-rostock.de.