The challenge
The alliance “Offshore Wind Solutions in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania” (OWS-MV, funding code 03WKCR5B) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) plans to develop solutions which, in particular, enable the development of offshore wind farms far away from the coast. The requirement of the participating partners from industry and science is to provide a direct contribution to the energy transition in Germany and Europe via the targeted development of innovative technologies.
As an active member of the consortium, RST Rostock System-Technik launched a project for the development of appropriate technologies with the project partners ArianeGroup and the Institute of Air and Refrigeration Technology [Institut für Luft-und Kältetechnik] (ILK) Dresden with the target of storing energy using cryogen-liquefied air, thus achieving solutions with a considerably increased degree off effectiveness vis-à-vis traditional methods.

Innovative energy storage technology for offshore wind farms // Source: RST

The solution
Within the scope of the research project led by RST, analytically and experimentally confirmed concepts for liquid air energy storage plants were jointly developed with the project partners. The use of appropriate phase change materials promises a significantly optimised degree of efficiency compared to the existing systems. This technology was further examined and developed within the scope of a transfer in space applications in follow-up projects.

Project partner
Methods & tools
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